Most commonly used commercial engine simulation packages generate detailed estimation of the combustion and gas flow\r\nparameters. These parameters are required for advanced research on fluid flow and heat transfer and development of geometries\r\nof engine components. However, engine control involves different operating parameters. Various sensors are installed into the\r\nengine, the combustion performance is recorded, and data is sent to engine control unit (ECU). ECU computes the new set of\r\nparameters to make fine adjustments to actuators providing better engine performance. Such techniques include variable valve\r\ntiming, variable ignition timing, variable air to fuel ratio, and variable compression ratio. In the present study, two of the commercial\r\npackages, Ricardo Wave and Lotus Engine Simulation, have been tested on the capabilities for engine control purposes. These\r\npackages are compared with an in-house developed package and with reference results available from the literature. Different\r\nnumerical experiments have been carried out from which it can be concluded that all packages predict similar profiles of pressure\r\nand temperature in the engine cylinder. Moreover, those are in reasonable agreement with the reference results while in-house\r\ndeveloped package is possible to run simulations with changing speed for engine control purpose.